Code decipher tool gravity falls
Code decipher tool gravity falls

code decipher tool gravity falls
  1. Code decipher tool gravity falls series#
  2. Code decipher tool gravity falls windows#

(you can click the pictures to enlarge them). What’s that book he was reading anyway? With all the stuff in this town, I’m sure it was a classic.

Code decipher tool gravity falls windows#

That’s fitting! A lot of people like to do that here in ol’ Gravity Falls.ĭo they sell those All-Seeing Eye windows at the department store shit I want one The gag is he doesn’t really need that eye patch, so I assume he just likes to show only one eye. Which are quite popular among Freemasons! Nice… He also only has his left eye showing a lot. Speaking of which, what’s that the Uncle is wearing?

code decipher tool gravity falls

There’s a couple owl clocks too y’know!Īnd an Egyptian curtain… yeah. … and here you were thinking all he sold were eyeballs.

code decipher tool gravity falls

You’re probably thinking “who the hell would buy eyeballs?”, but don’t ask that. Let’s take a small tour of this lovely shop. The Mystery Shack is home to an array of occultic objects that he apparently sells. This is the ‘Mystery Shack’, the shop that the main character’s (the two kids) Great Uncle runs. Let’s start off with the first episode of the series, because pretty much everything you need to see is in one episode. Disney has always shown who they serve, but this time they’ve let everything ‘hang out’. If anyone had doubts about their connections to the ‘Illuminati’, I’m sure this show validates everything. They really don’t give a shit who knows it, either. In Disney’s latest show, Gravity Falls, they show everyone which masters they truly serve.

Code decipher tool gravity falls series#

*sigh* I tried.I have now covered this show in my series Disney Tricks. And the dream demon was making it all too easy to begin his investigation.Ī/N: I'm not at all happy with this chapter, but.oh well. And there was one mystery Dipper had been meaning to investigate for quite some time. Still filled with mysteries and secrets, still so much to be discovered and uncovered. So much had changed since Gideon summoned the isosceles monster almost four years ago, but Gravity Falls had changed the least. Dipper laughed slightly and looked over at Mabel, who was still fast asleep in her bed. Why wasn't Bill able to enter his dreams back home? That didn't make any sense, since the mindscape accessed every mind that wasn't protected. Dipper Pines loved Gravity Falls, but.was coming back really worth Bill's torture? At least at home he had gotten some rest. The pattern of the window on the floor reminded Dipper of his nightmare and he put his head in his hands. The sun was beginning to rise, shining its light through the attic window. Dipper glanced over at his clock, which read 5:45am. He put a hand to his head, closing his eyes in an attempt to calm himself. Everything stopped spinning and a single eye appeared in front of him.ĭipper jumped awake, his heart racing. "Where are you?!" Dipper shouted desperately. "Aw, you don't mean that, Pine Tree!" The voice was moving, circling around him, making his head hurt, his vision spin. "You weren't gone long enough!" He shouted back, his spine tingling at the feeling of being watched. "Aw, but that's no fun! It's been a whole year since last summer! You've been gone a while!" Dipper spun around, but still there was nothing. The laugh came again, this time right behind Dipper. "Get out of my head! All I want is one night of decent sleep!" He snarled. Dipper narrowed his eyes, his teeth clenched. "I'm in your dreams, kid!" Came the unhelpful response. "Where are you? Show yourself!" Dipper demanded. "Pine Tree, Pine Tree! Come on, now, we both know that's not true!" Dipper spun this way and that, trying to locate the voice. The laugh sounded again and Dipper cringed. "It's just a dream.all you have to do is wake up." Dipper whispered to himself. Dipper held his journal close to his chest, his jaw tight. A laugh echoed through the maze of trees, resonating off their many branches and circling Dipper like vultures. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a tree open an eye and he immediately spun to face it, but the tree was as dormant as it had always been, no eye to be seen. The boy spun around, expecting to catch his stalker off guard, but he was greeted by nothing but silent darkness. As he traipsed through the forest, his journal clutched tightly in his arms, he felt as though someone, no.something was watching him. The night air was cool and crisp, the wind tearing at Dipper's vest and shirt. I SUCK AT BEING BILL! GAHHHH!!! So, please forgive me. Actually, there probably won't be very much in reference to Weirdmageddon other than the occasional accusations, and will change things if I need to, so.CONTINUE! Oh, and one more thing. A/N: Okay, so.Weirdmageddon, right? Well.we ' re just going to say that the journals are fine, and Bill somehow came back.or something like that.

Code decipher tool gravity falls